Monday, June 16, 2014

Kevin & Lilly

I like all of my other brothers and sisters have lots of memories but can't put them all down on paper, so I will put a few down. One of my fondest memories I have is dad taking me with him on school business trips. These were always fun and I always met many wonderful people. Mom I always remember you being there for us with warm hugs and kisses. I always knew you loved me even when I was naughty(which I wasn't very often). But the most best memory I have of both of you is the wonderful example you both have always shown us kids in the way you lead your life, it is the way the Savior lives. Perfectly! Other things I remember, great Sunday dinners, holiday parties, bringing our friends over and they became another one of your "kids", which by the way how many kids do you have again? Humor, bedtime stories and in general, 90 years of service. 
Thanks for all the memory hope to have many more!
Love you lots mom and dad.
When I joined the family 30 years ago, you told me “there are no in-laws in our family,” and welcomed me like a daughter. I am so grateful for all the love and kindness you have shown me and my family. Thank you for all the wonderful Sunday dinners; my kids think it isn’t really Sunday if we don’t go to Grandma and Grandpa’s house! When I think of Mom, I see her in an apron cooking for her family, or singing to a grandchild on her lap, or dozing off during a game of Skip-Bo. I think of Dad teaching all the little ones how to do the jig, measuring their height by his shirt buttons, and their faces in his hands (a trick to kiss little faces). I see both of you surrounded by a great number of posterity, each of them knowing that when they go to your house there will be plenty of food and love.
I remember playing catch with Grandma, falling for “put your stomach on Grandpa’s lap” tricks, and the huge family anniversary party at the old church.

I have always had a lot of fun at Sunday dinners with you. The Fourth of Julys at your hour house were always lots of fun, too. I also remember a couple of times you took me out shopping. Once we went to Payless and I got a pair of sparkly purple shoes. The other time you took me to the mall and bought me a dress for choir. Your cooking has always been amazing. I’ve loved spending time with you over the years.
It’s not Sunday dinner unless it’s at Grandma and Grandpa’s house! Along with the blue glass chicken you filled with cashews.  Love you Grandpa & Grandma!

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